Where I've been

Over the past couple of years, I've taken numerous breaks from blogging without any explanation. I disappear off my social media usually at the same time as well, however this is the longest break I've ever had from blogging. I haven't uploaded since January and I miss it.

For the past few years, my physical health hasn't been the best and I was constantly tired, which made it difficult to concentrate on writing and taking blog photos. At the beginning of the year I found out my Vitamin D level was extremely low, so I ended up on a high dose and then a low dose of Vitamin D medication. I started to feel better quickly and its great being able to do things without feeling like I'm going to pass out like being able to walk a normal distance, be able to go up the stairs and even be able to stand and make food without having to sit down asap. While my physical health was improving, my mental health wasn't, so I'm now on an antidepressant, which I feel like has helped hugely.

My motivation has come back and I've been planning on coming back to blogging for a while, but as I was about to start again, a month ago my guinea pig Lola suddenly passed away. Lola was 7, so she lived to a good age, but I've been grieving a lot. I got her cremated so I was stressing about getting her ashes back from the vets. Thankfully they came back within just over a week and I've created a little memorial for her in my living room. I always find it difficult losing a pet. I'd had Lola since I was 14 and I'm 21 now, so its weird without her and I'm still in absolute shock, however I'm grateful for the 7 years I got to spend with her. This took me in a huge step back, however I'm kinda back on track now and I'm ready to start blogging again.

This hasn't been the most positive blogpost, but it's just an explanation as to why I disappeared. I've got a few blogposts lined up ready to upload and I can't wait to get back on track with catching up with peoples blogposts and uploading again.


  1. Welcome back to the world of blogging!

    It sounds like you've had a tough time this year, pets are such a huge part of our lives and you genuinely do need some time to grieve when you've lost them - at least you have so may years of happy memories!

    Do everything you need to do to get yourself mentally and physically well :)

    Rachel | Teacups & Tartan

    1. thank you, its good to be back! yeah I'm glad I had 7 years of good memories. thank you :)


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